Sunday, November 16, 2008

So week 11... I need some advice!

OK so here is your chance to give me all your little hints and tips on how to deal with pregnancy....
I think I have the morning sickness thing down... I know what to do and what not to do to aggrivate. But I am having horrible leg cramps at night... so give it to me... what should I do for them?
Ok so week 11 the Lil Toad is (From what to expect when your expecting)

"Slightly more than two inches long now and weighing about a third of an ounce, your fetus is growing by leaps and bounds when you are 11 weeks pregnant. And so is his or her head, which is equal in length to the rest of the body (don't worry — all fetuses are top-heavy). On the crown of that large head (and over the rest of the body), hair follicles are forming. Fingernail and toenail beds begin to develop this week and by next week, the nails themselves will start to grow (so don't forget to add a baby nail clipper to your to-buy list).
Your baby's body is straightening and his or her torso is lengthening (sounds like a yoga pose, doesn't it?). Other poses your baby can assume now: stretches, somersaults, and forward rolls. And while you can't tell this baby's gender by its cover yet, testes are developing if it's a boy and ovaries if it's a girl. "
So I dont have more pictures of the baby but Jody got me hooked on digital scrapbooking so here are my first pages of Moira... its supposed to be a lil book... when you print it out and put it all together.
Love you all...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My First Ultrasound!!!


Ok so we finally went to the Dr and got to have an ultrasound.. turns out the Baby Toad is measuring 9.5 weeks so they have changed my due date to June 7th.

For those of you who didnt know I was pregnant we were keeping it on the down low until we knew for sure everything was ok. We have waited 8 years for this so needless to say it is till feeling very surreal. But let me tell you what a relief to finally see our baby and here the little Toads heart beat.

Why am I calling it a BabyToad you may ask.... well we have a dear friend who refers to me as Toad so it just seemed to fit :) seeing as it looks like a lil polliwog.

I am feeling a lot better in regards to the whole morning sickness thing.. just super tired and a lil grumpy if I dont get protein. MY BABY TOAD NEEDS TO FEED:) LOL

Kevin and I are so excited and I think even Moira knows something special is going on. We have our names picked out (well first anyway) so depending on what toad turns out to be.

I just want to tell everyone that I am so thankful for the support we have had over the years and the positive encouragment we have been given in the baby department.

Though we never thought this would happen we are beyond thrilled that Moira will have a sibling... and that we will finally see what a combination of Kev and I will look like (Hopefully not too much of a mondo sized child)

We have decided I will be going home to deliver.... I am not about to go thru labor without my mom and sisters(oh and of course Kevin ;) )

So I will be going to stay with Mom towards the mid of April... will be so nice to share this with all my friends and family in Idaho.

Love You All,
Christin, Kevin, Moira & Baby Toad